Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18

These are some pictures from the last week in kindergarten.  One day, we made an obstacle course to review positional words (over, under, around, etc) and cardinal numbers (first, second, etc).  Then, we tried to draw a map of the obstacle course.  It was a fun activity!

In math and social studies, we have been talking about phone numbers and addresses.  We recorded everyone's phone number and address in a class directory and then practiced calling the phone numbers on a calculator app on the ipads.  We also found a really fun (and free) app to practice dialing phone numbers and even calling 911! It is called DialPro if you are interested in getting it at home!

During writing time, we have been working on an "All About Me" book.  this was a page about things that we like to do.  We have also written about what we look like and who is in our family.  You will see this book coming home for Thanksgiving.

Here is another math activity.  We spent some time reviewing shapes and found shapes to cut from magazines.  

In social studies this week, we are learning about the meaning of the word THANKFUL.  Today. each member of the class made a turkey feather and wrote about what they are thankful for.  We will be making a turkey to display for Thanksgiving.  We have also been learning about the first Thanksgiving and about turkeys.  We will be comparing what we have learned about turkeys with what we know about owls.  It will be fun to compare and contrast these two birds!

We have a busy but fun week ahead of us!  
Thanks for reading our blog!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5

Last week on Friday, we headed out to the front of the school the check on our tree, Army Tank Taylor Swift.  We took a look at the type of bark that our tree has and compared it to other trees around the school.  We made rubbings of the different types of bark (smooth or rough).  In the classroom, we also learned how to make rubbings from leaves!