Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28

Our field trip last week to the bank, Mario's, and the police station was very fun!  It was interesting to see what types of jobs people do in our community.  We learned a lot at each place, but I know our class especially loved the pizza and breadsticks at Mario's! 

Later last week, we practiced measuring fire hoses and other things around the classroom using unifix cubes.  We also got to meet our fifth grade buddies on Friday! 

This week we continued to practice all our sight words (I, see, a, we, the).  Our centers this week included the listening center, making a book for our book bin, stamping words, reading book bin books, word work, and an activity sorting pictures by initial consonant sounds.  We also made a class book about community helpers and wrote in our journals about things we are good at.  Yesterday we worked in small groups to make different places in our community to add to our map.  The places our class came up with included a park, a school, McDonald's, the Piggly Wiggly, and the pool.

Today is an early release day.  We started the day by going to gym and music right away.  We read the book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything and made another book to go in our book bins.  Later in the morning, we will enjoy a fun snack and then change into our Halloween costumes for the parade.  I will post pictures of everyone as soon as I can!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

This was a fun math game that we played this week.  The strip has numbers 2-12 on it.  You have to roll 2 dice, add the numbers together, and cover the number on the strip.  Keep playing until all the numbers are covered!  This would be easy to make at home!
This is Calvin's picture that he made in computers this week.  We made fall pictures.
5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18th

Last week we had guidance on Thursday with Mrs. Miller.  We talked about different feelings and how to tell how another person is feeling.  On Friday, we had our Homecoming Pep-Rally and Parade!  We had lots of fun watching the football players and practicing our chant "The Tiders are out of this world!!!"  We also started making fire trucks on Friday and finished them up yesterday.  We have been talking about fire safety and practicing Stop, Drop, and Roll.

This week, we are reviewing our sight words I, see, and a and we have learned the new words the and we.  We have been practicing our new words at letter centers and on our word work.  We have also added new books to our book bin drawers that we practice reading every day.  We are getting good at pointing to the words as we read!

We are excited for tomorrow.  We will be walking to the bank, police station, and Mario's for a field trip around the community.  I hope we have a great time!!!

Things to practice at home:
*Have your child search for sight words in books and magazines.
*Practice writing numbers 1-10.
*Say a word and have your child try to figure out the letter that the word starts with. 

*Library books are due every Tuesday!!!  You can have your child keep his/her book in his/her backpack every day for an easy place to store it!

*Field Trip tomorrow to places in the community

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12

On Monday we went on a walking field trip to the fire station.  We had a great time looking at the fire truck and ambulance and learning all about a firefighter's job. 

This week we are learning the word a and reviewing the words I and see.  We went to 6 literacy centers this week to practice our new words and other literacy skills.   This week we continue to learn about our community and helpers in our community.  We have started a huge map in our room and have added roads and bodies of water to it so far.  Later in the week we will be adding our houses!

Today we started our first social studies centers.  We had a fun time playing turn-taking games with friends, and doing activities with community helpers.

**Return library books every Tuesday!  We were missing lots of books this week!
**Our homecoming parade is on Friday.  We have made some special headbands and will be making rockets for our theme: "The Tiders are out of this world!!!! 3-2-1 Blast-off!!!!"

Pictures from this week:
Our class at the fire station
Parts of the fire truck
The fire truck with its lights on!!
We even got to go inside the ambulance!
The ambulance

Pictures of our social studies centers:

Match the tools to the job
Community Helper Bingo
Pattern Block math
Tool Game
Race to put out the fire

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Fun

This morning we reviewed our new sight words, I and see.  We finished up our sight word centers, too!  In the afternoon after music and calendar we went outside on a leaf hunt!  It was so much fun to enjoy the warm fall weather, see TONS of different colors of leaves, and collect a few.  We were also lucky enough to get to hear and see the middle school marching band as they were practicing!!  What a fun ending to a great week!

We worked together to put the abc puzzle together!
making words on the Smart Board
Play dough center
Letter Stamps
Writing board
Wikki Sticks
A picture of the marching band!!!
Our whole class :)
Searching for leaves

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wedneday, October 5

We have been busy the last few days of school! 
Last Thursday was our field trip to the apple orchard and Palmer Park.  Our time at the park was fun, but then it started to rain.  We were still able to visit the orchard, but we stayed inside the store.  We got to enjoy an apple doughnut and apple cider, see the crates of apples and the apple sorter, and bring home a bag of apples!

Friday was our first Early Release day.  We did some fun apple activities in the morning and went to our switcheroo groups.  After recess and snack, we had a short time for free choice and then we went home.

During the month of October, we will be learning about community helpers and places in the community.  We started this week by brainstorming different occupations and reading books about community helpers.  Next week we will take a walking trip to the fire station on Monday.  I have lots of fun community helper activities planned for the month!!!

We also learned our first two kindergarten sight words this week.  We have spent lots of time practicing the words I and see on different projects and at many different centers.  Throughout the year, we will continue to practice these words and will also learn many others!  We have started reading simple books with predictable text.  I am very impressed with the way our class remembers to use their fingers to point to words!  We have a class full of beginning readers!

I have changed the slide show at the top of our blog to include pictures from our field trip.  Check them out!

Other reminders:
Monday - Fire Station walking trip
Tuesday - Library - don't forget to return your book!!!
Friday- Homecoming parade