Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 29

Yesterday we planted cherry tomato seeds!  We are still waiting to see them sprout.  The package said it would take about a week and a half.  We also made a little book for our book bin drawer.  It is the story of 5 little seeds.  We thought it reminded us of Eric Carle's book, The Tiny Seed.  We also went to three centers.  They included a recycling sort, a recycling graph, and a little book about taking care of the earth.

Today we water colored earths and wrote about things we can do to respect the earth.  We came up with lots of ideas like planting a garden or tree, recycling, riding our bikes instead of driving, turning off the lights and water when we aren't using it, picking up trash that we see outside, and donating clothes that are too small to Goodwill instead of throwing them away!  Our class had LOTS of great ideas!  In the afternoon, we went to art and then continued to work on the books that we are writing in writer's workshop. 

I will not be at school tomorrow, but our class will be working on a book about weather and then writing a mini book about how to grow a plant.  We have library and computers tomorrow.  DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR LIBRARY BOOK!

Next week we will be learning about insects!

***Bring recyclables tomorrow for our recycling sort!!!!  Make sure the items are fairly clean.  Try to include things made of paper or cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal.

***The book fair starts next week and is set up outside the office.  We will be visiting the book fair on Monday morning, so if you would like to send money for your child to purchase a book, you may.  Students will be making a "wish list" of books they like, so you are also welcome to stop by after school with your child and take a look at the books another time next week.

***Next week Wednesday is an early release day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 26

This week we have been learning about the earth, recycling, Earth Day, and plants.  On Monday, we started our centers.  They included cutting pictures from magazines for a store and representing the money amount with coin stamps, flower addition, measuring with inches and centimeters, and making a flower diagram.  We also water colored flowers and wrote about them on watering cans.  These are displayed in our room if you would like to check them out! 

On Tuesday we finished our centers.  We continued working in our math books on graphing and tally charts.  We asked classmates whether or not they like oranges and recorded their answers on a tally chart.  This is something you can have your child practice at home!  In the afternoon we made appreciation apples for other teachers who work with our class.  Next week is teacher appreciation week, so we wanted to make sure they know how important their jobs are!

Tomorrow we will be talking about how seeds grow.  We will be planting tomato seeds and watching them grow over the next few weeks.  We also have some new math centers to try out in the morning. 

DON'T FORGET!  Tonight is McTeacher's Night at the McDonald's in Newville.  If you visit from 4:30-7:30, a portion of the money from your order will go to our school.  Plus, teachers from our school will be there to take your order!

Mason and Ali work on their flower addition pictures.
Kyle cuts coins for his store.
Shane and Kylie measure vines and eggs.
Adyn practices addition with seeds.
Peter is showing off his flower diagram.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21

This week, we finished up our unit on the 5 senses and talked about eggs, bunnies, and spring. 

On Monday, we talked about our sense of touch.  We finished both of our 5 senses books and tried to guess what was inside a paper bag by feeling it.  Our special was music.

On Tuesday we went to new centers.  They included making classmates' names, addition, a bunny game, and measuring.  We also made a book bin book about different animals that come from eggs.  We painted fun eggs and made them into bunnies.  We will be bringing these home this weekend. 

On Wednesday morning, we went to the EPAC to watch the group, Ac Rock (pronounced ock rock, it stands for a capella rock and roll.)  They were awesome!  You can see pictures from their performance on their website,  (I checked today, though, and they weren't up yet).  After the performance, we finished our last two stations.  We also made bunnies from spoons and put them in baskets.  This was another fun project that everyone enjoyed.  Our specials in the afternoon were life skills and phy. ed.

Today, we did more fun activities!  In the morning, we did some math experiments with a hard boiled egg.  We determined the area, weight, and volume of the egg using a grid, balance, and a cup of water.  We also had an egg hunt in the classroom.  Then, we got to rotate to Mrs. Foskett and Ms. McChain's classrooms to do fun activities.  We made bunny baskets, did many math activities using jelly beans, and colored eggs.  It was so fun!

I hope everyone has a great 3-day weekend!

Lots of pictures from this week!
Kylie and Jackson guessing what's inside the bags.
Reading books!
Making words
Playing the sight word game
Adelynn reading the poem
Making more words!

Making classmates' names

The bunny game
Measuring flowers with bugs
"Egg Bunnies"
Searching for eggs
Bunny bags in Ms. McChain's room

Coloring eggs in Mrs. Foskett's room

Jelly bean math in Mrs. Skeels' room

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, April 15

Yesterday we learned all about smell!  We had a smell guess where we smelled different things and had to guess what they were.  Some were good smells like soap and perfume.  Some were not so good like garlic and onions.  We went outside on a nature walk and recorded the things we could see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.  We continued to work in our 5 senses books, which will come home next week.  We also continued to practice addition in math.  You can help your child practice simple addition facts at home, too!

Today we learned about taste.  We looked at each other's taste buds and learned about the different areas of the tongue that we taste bitter, salty, sweet, and sour things.  We also had a taste-testing.  Some people liked the lemons, candy, and pretzels.  Not many liked the unsweetened chocolate!  We were also able to go to the EPAC to see the 4th and 5th graders perform "Dig It!"  It was so much fun - they really did an amazing job!  If you would like to see it, you can come to the EPAC tonight (Friday) at 7 p.m. 

Next week we will be talking about touch and waste management.  There is no school next Friday!

Have a great weekend!

Below are some pictures from this week.

Isabel and Jenna are making art during choice time.

Ms. Ashley and Kamrin are using the geoboards.

Classmates build a tall tower.

Brody, Jackson, and Mason play with our new marble maze!

Sydney draws on the marker board.

Kylie and McKenna draw on mini marker boards.

5 Senses Activities

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reading Promotion Info

Dear Families,

Our school-wide reading promotion, “Read S’more Books!” will take place from now until May 6th.  As a class, we have set a goal of reading 1190 books, which is 70 books per student (fill 1 reading log).  We will keep track of the books we read in our classroom on a chart.  If we reach our goal, we will set up a camping area in our dramatic play center. 

Please make a point of reading with your child each night. Use the attached reading log to record the books you read at home, and send it back to school daily. If you fill up this log, you can attach another sheet, or I will gladly send another one home. If you are reading chapter books with your child, each chapter counts as one book.
Thanks for your participation, and happy reading!   
                                                                                                                                           Mrs.  Skeels

Tuesday, April 12

On Monday, we celebrated Adelynn's birthday!  In the morning, we worked on making our April calendars with a bunny hand print.  We practiced simple addition in math, and wrote about healthy foods that we enjoy eating.  Mrs. Fjelstad and Mrs. Miller showed a movie in the morning about keeping ourselves safe.  We learned that if we don't feel safe, we should SAY NO, GET AWAY, and TELL SOMEONE.  Next week, we will be acting out different scenarios in Life Skills and Guidance to practice these.

Today, we began learning about our 5 senses.  We focused on our sense of sight this morning.  We read books about eyes and learned some of the parts of our eyes, such as the pupil, iris, and lens.  With a partner, we closed our eyes in order to experience what it might be like to be blind.  Our partner led us around the room and helped to keep us safe.  We wrote about our experience.  I also set out a tray of 15 items from the classroom, then covered it up and had everyone try to write or draw all the things that they remembered.  The highest number of items remembered was 9!  We also began two 5 senses books that will come home next week.

Later this week we will learn about sight, smell, and taste. 

Don't forget to read and return your book bag books!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1

Happy April Fool's Day!
Yesterday we talked about keeping our teeth healthy and we made a page in our book.  Today we will talk about eating healthy foods.  We will make a picture of healthy foods we like in computers today.  I hope everyone has a great spring break!  I will be sending the kids' rest towels home to be washed, but please send them back on Monday!  Thanks!